Saturday, September 20, 2008

The end of an era!

Okay so I know it has been a long time since I have posted, but we have been unusually busy lately. Nothing too incredibly exciting, just lots to do. And I also really need to get the internet so I can blog when Emma is napping and Cam is at work, but you know bills equals money. However I wanted to share some exciting news for those of you who haven't heard. Emma is rid of her binky!!!!!!! Cam decided about a little over two weeks ago that it was time. I had picked up an extra shift and wasn't going to be home but he was super brave and did it all by himself. It went surprisingly well. She only fussed for a few minutes. Then a few days later Cam had put her down for a nap (I was at work, again!) and she never really fell asleep she was talking and singing so finally Cam went in to lay her back down, but guess what our silly monkey had done! She had put up her big blanket over the side of her crib so you couldn't see her and when Cam walked over she had a binky in her mouth! Which, when she saw him, she quickly threw out next to the wall! So, apparently she had found a long lost binky wedged between her crib and the wall and was keeping it a secret from us, little stinker! Cam promptly took that one away. Since then she still is doing okay without it, about the same time she came down with a cold and has been a little fussier anyway. The funny (and terribly frustrating) thing is that she will only go down for her naps for me and to bed for Cam. If we switch it up it is lots of crying and lots and reasoning. I can't believe she is getting so big, she is almost 2 you know! I am proud of her for being such a big girl, and proud of Cam for biting the bullet and sticking to his guns, he is a lot braver than me, I have been having anxiety about taking it away since she was three months old, and all the fretting for nothing, it was relatively painless! The End of the long binky novel.


Ware Family said...

The end of the binky is always terrible and great.

Keith and Allie said...

Getting rid of Hannah's "mimi" was the hardest thing I've ever done! I don't think anything will be harder, even when she's a teenager! :) But hooray for you! You did it and now there's no turning back!

(We are soo excited to see you next month! Hopefully Emma has stopped crying for her binky by then!!)

Cindy said...

That's so funny, she was hiding the binky. What a smarty! At least it wasn't her thumb. That one is a little trickier. We couldn't get Zoe to quit until she was almost eight. The good new is over the past year her teeth have really straightened out so I guess it wasn't permanently damaging!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! That is a great milestone!

Sher said...

I think it's hilarious that she was sneaking in the forbidden binky! What a cutie. Thanks for making me feel MUCH better about my late crawlers, too... :)

Tiff-E said...

Woah, sometimes do you worry about how tricky they are going to be when they're older...cause they are so stinkin smart/tricky now...I do! Ha! I say be glad she took a binky... Kaylie wouldn't touch one, and Josh is barely better with them...

The Funky Bunch said...

That is seriously hilarious. Kids are so smart, it's scary. Brooklyn is obsessed with her binkys and I am not looking forward to taking them away. She sleeps with 4 of them!! I know, that's a lot. But she rolls around in her crib while she's sleeping and finds them! A total comfort thing. She even has to hold one while she drinks her bottle! But we still have a little while until we HAVE to take it away!

Melanie said...

Congrats to you and Emma! That story was just as funny to read as when you told me about it. I am proud of you guys for making it through. We are looking forward to your visit next month, it will be great to hang out and play!

The Summerhays Crew said...

Sneaky little Emma! Thats something Kate would do...hide a binky, ha. I am not looking forward to the day of getting rid of that thing. Even though she only has it when she naps and for bedtime, it's still a comfort thing for them! Good job, any tips??