Sunday, December 14, 2008

A much needed update!

Um, so I have been very disenchanted with blogging lately but I suppose I am due for an update. So, Cameron finished our basement right before Thanksgiving, so that the Griffy's could stay with us. It was great fun to have them! Cam did an awesome job downstairs! We love letting Emma play with all her toys down there so they aren't crowding my living room. Emma is also excited about her new pink and green room that she will move into soon enough. We still have a few little odds and ends to finish up, but so far it has been so handy to have that extra guest room; Mel, Mike, Liza, Luke, Sandy, Aaron and Erica have all used it. So anyone else is welcome anytime! Sorry there are no pics, you will just have to come see it for yourself!

We had a great Thanksgiving, we ate at my parents and it was delicious. Emma wore her new shirt that said "I'm gunna be a big sister!" Yep, I'm pregnant! Emma showed her shirt to Nana first and it was super fun to tell everyone together. Then we sent a picture message to all of Cam's fam and it took them a minute to figure it out, but then there were congratulations all around. Allie also announced at dinner she is expecting as well, 19 days before me! So far for 2009 there will be at least 4 new Peck grandchildren!

So, I am 13 weeks and am due on June 19th, we couldn't be happier, we are so ready and so excited for this new burrito!

Okay, so can you believe Christmas is sooooo close! I can't. But it is finally starting to feel like Christmas because we have started doing Christmas things like......

Making and decorating Christmas sugar cookies. Note the Carey Panther yellow and blue.

Thanks to the Funk's for the food coloring, last minute on a Sunday night!

Getting a tree and decorating it! Emma was following Cam around the tree and carrying the lights for him (it was so cute and helpful!) but of course I got out the camera and she stopped.

Putting up Christmas decor!

Building a gingerbread house. Thanks Grandma Sandy! Emma was fascinated and didn't want to stop.

Going to see the Lights on Temple Square, so pretty!

Emma sitting on Santa's lap. She said she wanted "toys".

This holiday season has been, and will be, so much fun with her. She doesn't totally get it all but she does get a lot. Tonight when I laid her down she asked for Christmas songs (instead of the standby "I am a Child of God" "Twinkle" and "Rock a baby"). So I sang "Picture Christmas" "Silent Night" and "Oh, come all ye faithful" She loved them all, she is such a sweety. Merry Christmas!


Ware Family said...

Congratulations Emily! I hope you're feeling ok now. That first trimester is not fun at all (at least, not for me!).
Looks like the basement got done just in time eh?

Keith and Allie said...

Oh yeah! A new post! I've been patiently waiting and was not disapointed! How fun! Emma is so adorable and you are a good mom to do so many fun Christmas activities with her! I wish we were closer so we could share pregnancy drama...but I'm only a phone call away! We love and miss you guys! Take care!

Sarah said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you both; I hope you are feeling well and enjoying your Christmas. I will call you soon - we are all going to get together after Christmas!


Congrats! You guys are awesome!!!

Alicia said...

Congrats Emily. I have been waiting too for a new post, glad that you re-entered the blogging world. :)

The Funky Bunch said...

Glad to see you are alive and back into the blogging world! The colors of your icing look SO good! Lol! Glad we could help! Emma is getting so big and cute. I just love how she's becoming more and more friendly. She used to hide when I'd say hi and now she says it back! I love it. Your basement does look awesome...and it's SO nice to have all that extra space. I'm so excited for your new little one...that will be so much fun! Love ya!

Julie said...

Yay!! Merry Christmas and congratulations!!!!

The Evans Family said...

Conratulations! How exciting! We're very happy for you

Mackenzie said...

Yay! Congrats, I was wondering when this next baby would make it's appearance!! Looks like you have been busy! This season is just crazy!! Hope your feeling well!

Melanie said...

I love reading your new posts. It looks like you have done lots of fun festive holiday activities. Your basement was wonderful and we loved our stay there. I hope you guys have a great Christmas in Carey. Talk to you soon!

zebulon said...

What the crap... you're PREGO?!?!?!?! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you guy's! We really need to get together. Well that's awesome you got your basement finished- fun fun stuff!

zebulon said...

Sorry that last one was from me (megan)I was just logged onto zebs account :)