Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Awesome Sister!

So, last night my sister Georgia and her kids came by after visiting an old friend in Tooele. We visited and ate some dinner and then she took Emma home with her to spend the night. Her first sleepover! I don't actually remember how it happened but she was relentless, and so was Nate, so I gave in! I packed her bag and away she went, she didn't even care, she waved happily goodbye to us as she backed down the driveway. According to Georgia she slept well and played good with her kids the next morning. Cam and I rented a movie and went and got ice cream, and then I slept in til 10 am the next morning! So, I wanted to thank her publicly on my blog for giving me and Cam and unexpected break! To preface the story I have been having a really hard time with Emma lately; she is throwing tantrums, throwing food, making huge messes and saying "NO!" like every minute. I am a first time mom and really don't know how to handle it all. Georgia knew I had been struggling, especially yesterday, and she is always so thoughtful. But to top it off, today when I went to pick her up, she made me lunch and we had a nice talk while the girls were napping. I didn't get any sure fire solutions to my problems, but I got some good ideas of things to try and more importantly I got the reassurance that anything Emma is doing is not that out of the oridinary and that for the most part I'm doing things okay. So thanks Georgia for always being there and listening and offering moral support, I love you! And if anybody has some more advice with what to do with my almost terrible two daughter who is addicted to TV let me know!
P.S. Emma and Abby played dress up while they were there and Georgia got some adorable pics, I will post them when I get them.


Keith and Allie said...

When I saw your post title I thought it was going to be all about ME! I want you to know that if I lived closer I'd do the same for you too! As for any good advice! only gets worse! Sorry it's the sad horrible truth! Just keep depending on your great sisters for love and advice! Good luck!

Cindy said...

How fun to have a little alone time! My advice to you on Emma's tantrums and throwing food? First, make sure you don't have carpet under the high chair! Second, go to your "happy place" and know it's just another "fun" phase that will pass. As they get older they get busy and don't have much time for TV.

The Funky Bunch said...

Oh you gotta love those terrible two's! Lucky you!! You will survive my dear!! That's great you have such a nice sister to do those things for you. A break once in a while is always needed. Glad you and Cam got to have some alone time!

Katie said...

How nice!!! Emily you are a great mom! Don't worry you are doing everything right. Emma is adorable and doing all the right things for her age. Your lucky to have great family. We love you too!!!

Ware Family said...

I totally feel your pain, but you know that! I always think that it's a good thing I don't drink or I'd have become an alcoholic during Jackson's first year.
That was nice of your sister to take her overnight. I think sometimes you just need a BREAK! Too bad the break doesn't last until they're three!
I miss you!

Tiff-E said...

Yeah, I think all mom's feel like their kid is the only one who misbehaves...don't worry, we've done time-out in the middle of a grocery store before! I say take one minute at a time, and my cousin just recently told me her motto..."feed em and try not to beat em!" Ha! The only other advice I know is to stick with it, just don't give in on rules, and hold your ground...she'll get the hint eventually!!! :)

Melanie said...

That sure was nice of Georgia to give you a break. I wish I lived closer and I could do the same for you. Raising kids is tough, but hang in there, you are doing great! My advice would be try to be consistent and Emma will eventually learn. She sounds like a normal 2 year old so don't worry too much. My kids love to watch TV also. As long as they watch decent cartoons that teach some things I think it is just fine. What else are they supposed to do all day? She can't do crafts and read books all day long. But this is coming from a mom whose daughter learned to count to 10 in Spanish just from watching Dora. We love you, Good Luck!

Diane said...

Your family is adorable. Every kid has there moments. Even on their best days and your best days it can be hard. The only things I can say is that if I spend more quality time with my kids when the are not throwing tantrums the tantrums seem to occur less. Cute Blog. Mine is Come see it. Keep in touch. I'm glad I found it on Tiffs blog because I didn't want to invite you and the whole world through facebook.